Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) 2022-23 Seminar Series
CUMULUS Antwerp 2023

Methods in Artistic Research
A seminar for artistic researchers to discuss their methods
12-15 April 2023
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp
Confronting Conflicts
The next edition of METHOD/ART #5 will be part of the international conference CUMULUS, to be organized at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the University of Antwerp from 12th to 15th April 2023.
Conflict, though consuming and challenging, inevitably results in the construction of a more conscious model of interconnectedness. Crisis can become a catalyst of co-dependence that fuels art and design processes that respond to a broad range of critical conditions, from the collapse of local social systems to the global ecological catastrophes.
Conflict may also mean overcoming old conventions and the delusion of control, which presupposes new capacities and competences for engagement and co-action. The ability of creatively crafting such methods and strategies resides in one’s competence to connect and communicate with the assemblages in which one finds themselves to be participating in.
Culture can bring conative bodies to confrontation and resilience. By accepting the losses and costs attached to such endeavors and by continuing to contemplate the possible changes and the alternative scenarios of co-existence, established norms can be cancelled and rendered irrelevant. Art and design absorb and reflect back to our value systems. Therefore, taking in consideration its transformative agency, creativity with courage can play an active role in maintaining resilience and in building sustainable human and non-human collaborations of mutual common futures.
The METHOD/ART seminar welcomes contributions that explicitly address different states and processes of conflict in the contexts, strategies and creativity in diverse artistic disciplines. We are looking for proposals for lectures, performances and workshops with a specific focus on methodologies and artistic research enquiries that consult conflict and empower interdependence, remedy and care. We look forward to cultivating a seminar program with a collection of artists, designers, performers, researchers and an overall community of co-actors.
Uncertainty in method and practice
Ecological strategies
Cultural activism
Participatory practices
Pedagogical projects