Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA)
2020-21 Seminar Series

Methods in Artistic Research
A seminar for artistic researchers to discuss their methods
ONLINE edition 17-18 March 2021
11 - 17:30h (CET-Brussels/GMT+1)
Day 1: Wednesday 17/3, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (Gele Zaal)
Day 2: Thursday 18/3, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (Wintertuin)
The third edition of METHOD/ART seminar will focus on artistic research methodologies which incorporate history as a core component. In the process of developing discourses about the past, present and future, history can be a point of departure and a means to re-interpreting phenomena. We invite researchers across different artistic disciplines and media to discuss and share their methods and concerns on several criteria: distilling meaning from the past, drawing attention to the overlooked, unlearning old beliefs and existing biases, and proposing new concepts and angles for the future. We would like to simulate discourses which (re-)examine history and create space for polyphonic narratives. Here are some questions to think about but not limited to:
Historiography and autoethnography are methods for writing about the past; nevertheless, they concern different dimensions of interpretation, subjectivity, and reflection. How are narratives and memoires constructed? What are the tools to interpret and observe the past?
How does the creative process move forward by re-considering authenticity and tradition? How does this approach of history contribute to artistic research?
How do the notions of negligence and revival of the past offer added values to artistic research, and become relevant to a broader audience in the present?
How can the methods of appropriation, reenactment, and subversion of the individual and collective be put in action to create awareness for the societal issues today?
We invite contributors to share their insights and methodologies to consider, think and propose anew. By looking back, we wish to look ahead and forward.
The presentation can be in the format of paper presentation or lecture-performance, with a duration of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes Q&A. The seminar will be conducted in English.
You can send a proposal with the following information to, on or before 4th January 2021 (Monday):
Name of the presenter and affiliated institute
An abstract of 300 words (maximum) to describe the subject of the presentation
A short curriculum vitae of the presenter in 150 words
A photo of the project or the presenter
An honorary fee and participation certificate will be issued to the presenter
The seminar will take place on 17 & 18 March 2021, online or hybrid depending on the COVID-19 conditions. The results of the submissions will be notified before the end of January.
Curators/ Dr. Adilia Yip, Vivi Touloumidi and Umut Eldem