Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA)
2019-20 Seminar Series

Methods in Artistic Research
A seminar for artistic researchers to discuss their methods
5-6 February 2020
Wednesday 5/2: Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (Gele Zaal)
Thursday 6/2: Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (Wintertuin)
11 am to 6 pm
We are inviting artist-researchers to share their projects and methodologies in response to the seminar theme. We welcome speakers across different artistic disciplines, such as music, design, dance, theatre, fine arts, and performing arts. The presentation can be in the format of paper presentation or lecture-performance, with a duration of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes Q&A section.
The seminar will be conducted in English.
The proposal should provide the following information and please send to
Name of the presenter and affiliated institute

An abstract of 300 words (maximum) to describe the subject of the presentation

A short curriculum vitae of the presenter in 150 words

One image of the presenter or his/her project (.jpeg)

Necessary equipment and musical instruments for the presentation and/or performance

The deadline of submission is 28th November 2019, and successful proposals will be notified in the beginning of December.