Methods in Artistic Research
A seminar for artistic researchers to discuss their methods
7 February 2019 Thursday 11:00 - 18:00
Witte Zaal, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp

We would like to invite contributions from artist-researchers of all artistic disciplines to share his/her views on research method. The presentation can be in forms of paper presentation, lecture-performance, workshop or video presentation of 20 minutes (Q&A sections afterwards). You may focus on the key concepts addressed in the synopsis, demonstrate your artistic output to explain your method, or answer to one (or more) of the following questions:
What is method in artistic research?
How do you formulate method?
Can one artistic research method be transferred to other research and remain sustainable in the future?
Can we evaluate the quality of a method?
The seminar will be conducted in English, so we will only accept proposals and presentations in the same language.
The proposal should provide the following information and please send to Adilia Yip via
Name of the presenter and affiliated institute
An abstract of 500 words (maximum) to describe the subject of the presentation
A short curriculum vitae of the presenter in 150 words
One image of the presenter or his/her project (.jpeg)
Necessary equipment for the presentation and/or performance
The deadline of submission is 7th November 2018, and successful proposals will be notified in end December.