Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA)
2021-22 Seminar Series
Methods in Artistic Research
A seminar for artistic researchers to discuss their methods
23-24 March 2022
23/3 Wednesday: ARIA Office - Room S.209, University of Antwerp, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp
24/3 Thursday: The Tempel - Royal Academy of Antwerp, Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp
Livestreaming will be launched via our YouTube channel
The other in artistic research and creativity
In this 4th edition of Method/Art seminar, we would like to discuss the notion of other and otherness in artistic research and creative process. The other implies the consciousness of thinking someone/something is different and distant from me and us, and the acceptance of being and feeling different; while at the same time, the other exists in the same world as me and us. Similar and different, close and distant, engaging the other and identifying otherness often stimulate artistic discoveries and developments through clashing and confronting the differences, but also through recognizing the commonness among them and us in this world.
We would like to invite researchers of different artistic disciplines to discuss the different facets of the other in their research and creative process. Here are some possible questions to start with, but not limited to:
How does other(-ness) play out in your artistic research methodology?
The process and ethics of othering : How do we discern inclusivity and representation of other(-ness) in artistic work and the creative field?
Does recognizing the other become the process of separating me from my ego-centricism, playing a role in the process of transformation and self-awareness?
How do we confront the othering of age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity etc. in society through art and creativity?